Robert we’re of the same mind. As with all things extremists of any stripes are dangerous. I’m a lifelong Democrat and 75 and gay. I understand how the LBGTQ extremists Are very off putting and are losing the working class Dems. Most of whom are probably not homophobic but some this stuff, giving children hormones are troubling to me. Thanks for responding to me. Love your posts and have read both of your books twice.

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Thank you,

Robert. I appreciate your insights and understandings. So many times you have pointed out that we are not the chooser and not the Decider. For some of us, it might be possible to take a moments breath and see getting caught up in fear and anger is not our choosing either.

Although I know I’m not choosing, I absolutely cannot stand Donald Trump and what he stands for. I find him dangerous and cruel. And will do whatever is necessary to encourage family and friends to vote Democratic.

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Yes, Burma. You are not choosing, AND you feel the cruelty and threat radiated by the profoundly mentally ill Donald Trump. Me too.

Those who imagine that there is anything worthwhile about Trump--for example, that if he could suspend the Constitution and replace all the government employees with Trump yes men and yes women, he could "fix" what is wrong with the US--also did not choose to feel that way, but that does not mean that their view is justifiable. It isn't. Opinions may be unchosen, but that does not mean they are all equally valid.

One commenter here tried to point to such details as whether some vaccines need more testing, as if opinions on such matters could ever justify replacing a Constitutional President with a dictator who has "canceled" the Constitution. She is dead wrong, but it's not her fault. Many people are eager to be unquestioning cult members who imagine that a sick puppy is a "leader" or Tucker Carlson is a journalist. Who knows why?

That's just the way the cookie crumbles.

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Cancelled the constitution?

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Or maybe you're dangerous and you're cruel

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Thank you for posting this. It needs to be said frequently, loudly, widely. We are in grave danger.

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Surf, ik Kamala becomes president

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I'm more scared of the left. Look at what is happening in Europe. In the UK they are imprisoning people for saying what they think on social media. The jails are so full, they are letting dangerous criminals out early to make room. The EU tried to set up secret talks with Elon Musk to censor Twitter (which he exposed). This week in France, they arrested Telegram CEO Pavel Durov for not censoring end-to-end encrypted chat (which is not technically possible). And just a few days ago, Mark Zuckerberg says Biden administration officials 'pressured' Meta to censor content.

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I agree…whilst I’m not a fan of Trump, it seems to me, he is the lesser evil. RFK J and Tulsi Gabbard, if Trump/Vance are elected, could address some key, absolutely crucial problems in our world, that cannot go on. I’m speaking of war mongering DOD, Big Harma, Big Ag and other anti human agencies.

I’m shocked that Robert is all for continuing down this very dark road that the Dems have taken, not only the United States citizens down, but also their allies. The oligarchs have used the ‘so called’ Democratic government to propagandise their insane agenda. Not to mention the possibility of nuclear war under the Democratic leadership.

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You see? That is why I dislike discussing politics, Tina. And with you, I will not discuss it further.

Bobby Kennedy Jr--really? Do you really support a man who discourages vaccinating children against Polio, Mumps, Measles, etc? He's a blooming nut job, and a dope on top of it.

I am not saying that the left side of the spectrum is without problems--some of them serious. I have pointed out some of those.

But this is different. This man wants to be a dictator for life and cancel the Constitution. Your whataboutism about failings on the left is not a good justification for supporting fascism. There isn't one.

I understand fully that nothing I say will move you in the least. I am not trying to change your mind. I can't. You are already down the rabbit hole. Good luck with that.

I was speaking, as I made clear, to those who see the situation as it is, not to those who confuse political leanings, which naturally vary, with a desire for totalitarian government to "fix problems." I was urging them--not you--to vote in 2020.

That advice was good then, and it still is.

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There’s a lot of evidence to the contrary of what you say Robert. More life a ‘reverso’. It’s utterly surprising to know that this is what you think. I have read both of your books and found them to be incredibly grounded. Take a look at the Tucker Carlson Network. In particular an interview with Jeffrey Sachs regarding the DOD. In regards to vaccines, that is wrong that RFK J is against ALL vaccines. Not true. Just the untested vaccines, such as the Covid vaccine. The childhood schedule has gone from 7 vaccines from birth to adulthood to 74 as of 2024. There’s a lot to learn about the Big Harma industry Robert. And the war machine. Money laundering with no regard for human life whatsoever. As mentioned, see the Tucker Carlson interview with Jeffrey Sachs.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs is the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He is the author of many best selling books, including The End of Poverty and The Ages of Globalization.

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As a physician I can say this comment is a load of claptrap. Vaccines are not untested. The COVID vaccines were very effective against the strains of COVID they were created to combat. They likely saved millions of lives.

The problem was 1)the virus constantly mutates and 2) you have no understanding of immunology and so readily accept misinformation as fact and then parrot that misinformation to those around you. You don't sound informed to a physician. Stop sharing your opinion on subjects in which you have no expertise.

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Take a look at this Chris.


And, there is SO much more evidence against your narrative.

Safe and effective, as Robert would say “and you know that how”?

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Sorry, Tina, no. If you have actual "evidence" you may present that evidence in a scientific forum and have it peer reviewed. I would like to point out that you don't have the expertise or related credentials to argue with me, and I won't suffer fools.

At some point you, like everyone else at some point in their lives, will become ill, and if you are consistent with your views, you will self treat. And that treatment will likely fail because pseudoscience is not an adequate replacement for science when it comes to treating illness.

If you are smart you will admit that it is best to stay in your own lane: let bakers bake, let pilots fly the plane, and let doctors practice medicine. You will come for care to an actual hospital filled with actual professionals who will care for you and, if possible, heal your illness.

Or perhaps you will be one of the many cursed hippocites who come to our hospitals seeking care while simultaneously distaining and disrespecting the entire profession. Please don't do that. Every time a person does that an actual helper in society loses their passion to help people and the world is worse off.

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And just in the last hour we learn Pavel Durov has been released, but is banned from leaving France. He refuses to give the authorities a backdoor to his app. Elon Musk must be worried about travelling to Europe now.

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The unhinged fanaticism on this page is evidence that you're right that the so called left (who despise the working class) are the far greater threat.

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One does not swat a fly by pointing out the spider on the rug. The topic for discussion is the suitability of Donald Trump for the office of president. Your straw man argument fails.

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I was merely expressing my opinion of what worries me more, while we still have free speech. Sorry.

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I've been unfriending all Trump supporters since his first inauguration. I really don't get just how split the Mind is in the reflection of "in here" that keeps showing up "out there." Scares the heck out of me. Women who support a womanizer. Christians who support an obvious "non-Christian." Seeming reasonable people who say, "Life was better when Trump was in office." Really? Thanks for saying everything I keep trying to say.

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So you voted for someone who showered with his daughter till she was 10, despite her discomfort, and made a fortune selling political access, then pardoned his son over a 10 year period for unamed crimes.

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I agree 100%. I also have three children and one of those children is a woman with a genius IQ, who is a mid-wife extraordinaire, mother, grandmother and loving wife. She is also a homesteading, anti-vax fanatic and a conspiracy theorist, who homeschools her children rather than vaccinate them (because she says that vaccines are mandated at schools). Her anti-vaxing goes beyond Covid -- it now includes all vaccinations. What's a mother to do? I love her and we try to keep the peace, i.e., we can't talk at all about politics. She says she is over Trump, but that's because he is wishy-washy on vaccines. In other words, Trump is not as radical an anti-vaxer as Bobby Kennedy. She will probably vote for Trump now that he has included Kennedy in his campaign. Somehow motherly love, in my case, is unconditional.

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Wow how noble of you to still love your daughter despite her having different views on vaccination. An approaching sainthood perhaps?

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I completely, wholeheartedly agree with Robert; but as Tina_4love points out, the liberals worry me as well! I have no political party, but at the same time have no one to vote for. I cannot support the conservatives and cannot support the liberals. I often wonder how many of us out here feel the same.

Truly though Robert, thank you for expressing this extremely important point.

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It's always a binary choice, Brian. If one candidate is worse than the other and you fail to vote, you are supporting the one you know is worse. That is realpolitick.

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Yes sir, I agree with that point also. I had been considering a Libertarian vote, until recently considering a vote for one of the “other” parties is equivalent to not voting and the same result you mention.

At 66 years old, and also a student of history, my main objective is similar to yours. That Trump and the (whatever is left of) Republican Party lose. They have absolutely no credibility here.

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Yes. It seems obvious, Brian, and is, even to many lifelong Republicans. There's a lot on the left I don't like, but all that pales in comparison to an existential threat to the Constitution, which was written specifically to set up a system that could not be easily commandeered by a man like Trump. Checks and balances have held up well until now. Too many Republicans have yielded to the cult of personality.

I hope for the best.

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So as a student of history you know how central the concept of free speech is to democracy. More important than defeating a manufactured bogeyman who has arisen out of the unhinged projections of the self appointed cultural "elites"

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Yes. Thank you for speaking out. This is such an important crossroads in the history of the USA and, by extension, this planet.

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Yes, we must defeat fanatics.

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Thank you.

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Another ‘thank you for…’ Robert. I appreciate you! ❤️ And your perspective, too, as always and in all ways.

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and what about Kamala? If she becomes president we are in world war III

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I agree bro - we just have to look at what's happening all over the world with the rise in nationalism and xenophobia on both a large and a local scale to be able, fairly confidently, to predict the direction of travel - barring a miraculous about-face on an individual level in enough people to be significant....I'm not optimistic. But equally, there is no benefit, either individually or collectively, in "losing it"....we just need to do what we can individually to raise awareness, as you are, and acknowledge circumstances as they unfold with equanimity as far as possible, but also acknowledging that this will not always be possible. Thank you Robert.

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By 'Xenophobia' do you mean people, usually the ones most affected being against mass immigration and open borders? What an entitled take, given that it obviously has a different impact on your social class.

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Hi...so, of course my viewpoint is a reflection of my history - everybody's is. Which is why people have different views. A fact of life.

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Robert thank you for this post. What I don’t understand is how any intelligent individual can vote for a pathological liar and malignant narcissist who seems to have the temperament of a 5 year old mean spirited child. But such is life. UG once said that the seed mankind’s self destruction was planted when we became self aware. He may have been right. I don’t know if you have ever seen South Park. If you have Trump reminds me of Eric Cartman one of the most horrible little boys you can imagine. As the great novelist Flannery O’Conner one said. God may love them so I’m grateful I’m not God.

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Many people vote according entirely to self-interest. The Democrats used to be the party of the working class, farmers, industrial workers, etc., but turned more into a party of globalism and cultural elitism. Recall Hillary's remark about "the deplorables." The Republicans were equally elitist but pretended not to be and have won over many of those "deplorables."

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Are you describing Biden?

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Further. Perhaps it’s time to take a look at Tucker Carlson interviews and inform yourself on what’s really going on outside of the MSM.

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To be honest you sound utterly deranged. I hope you recover soon.

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very well put, thank you

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