Aug 31Liked by Robert Saltzman

Just finished listening to the hypnotic spiritual trance and your latest post about Trump. Just wanted to thank you again.

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I felt Trump's fascist tendencies when he rode down the golden escalator in 2015. It was worse than I could imagine. I also saw & felt his mental illness. This wonderful reply from Robert points out the details of our Reality.

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Finally someone willing to speak of the mental illness!

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

Very well put Robert. As to why people can't see what's clearly in front of their faces... well, there does seem to be some sort of biological component or something else I'm not smart enough to decipher. By "biological" I mean a reason being why within a society a certain percentage of people tend to lean "right" or "left" which can then be exploited by bad actors like Trump and co. Still, I have a very hard time understanding why people are so afraid of progressive freedoms. I guess I'm not meant to understand(at least not now). People would rather cling to images of a fictional past that never existed than to promising visions of a new future of greater freedoms and equality. Of course it's much more complicated than that, but still... I guess the least I can do is vote and continue my practice. Thanks again.

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Thank you.

Leaving his mental illnesses aside and his obvious unfitness for office, some people felt better seen and better off when Trump was President. The Democrats have a progressive wing, but are not just focused on equality and freedoms. In many ways, they have become a party of elitists who moved away from their previous focus on the needs of ordinary working people. Many of those people recognize that Trump is deeply flawed, but they actually did do better economically under his administration. Further, elements of the progressive agenda can appear foolish and just plain wrong--for example, the idea that a biological male human can become a woman.

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This is interesting... but quite complicated. And maybe that's why so many of us simplify our political choices. Like if one thinks they'll do financially better under one party or another. It seems like most people feel like they are poor(I wish more people could see how rich they actually are though). And then the gender issue is wild... societal gender roles are entirely a construct regardless of biology... but it scares people if others have the freedom to change their bodies and outward identities at will. But freedom is one of the scariest things... perhaps because of its inherent lack of structure. Maybe that's getting close to a basic fear many people have... that if we, as a society, allow too much "freedom" then the whole system will break down. And therefore many people choose to go in the opposite direction of fascism because that's the only other choice currently available(because of Trump) and also because it feels safer than freedom("freedom" meaning allowing others to do with their lives what they want as long as it doesn't impose on other peoples freedoms).

Anyway, my head feels like it's gong to explode thinking about this. LOL.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

I photographed BLM protests during Trump's term and remember being the briefings on how to avoid being black bagged by the storm troopers he'd deployed in several major cities. As if I was in Iraq or China. I also photographed some Trump rallies and heard the words behind the words. I flat-out heard the speaker telling the crowd that they needed to choose violence because "the Left eventually will, and if we don't act first, we're going to lose." I was in Kenosha in the wake of Kyle Rittenhouse and saw the unrest.

The thousands dead from a COVID response undermined by the President peddling conspiracy theories. Death threats towards the MI governor. Trump denying aid to blue states because he decided they don't like him. Jan 6th. Like...What? Does anyone remember that term? Even if you're a Republican, even if you're a "both sides bad" person, even if "well, Trump did things I like," how are you not seeing the danger of that man? This sort of thing isn't just "a difference of opinion," "both sides bad." You don't have to become a Democrat to recognize fascism for what it is. The team-sports-thinking we Americans resort to is absolutely absurd.

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Thank you for this post. It was extremely educational for me. I had vague ideas about what Fascism is but your listing of characteristics was extremely illumination and added to my more sophisticated understanding of this phenomenon. I shared it with many, not to promote partisan politics, share deeper understanding.

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Here's Jason Stanley speaking about fascism. After watching the tactics of the T vs H debate last night. It became very apparent what play books were being used.


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You're writing is so articulate, I enjoy reading your essays. It's unfortunate that those that gobble up the propaganda on the right are not likely to read it.

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Yes, and even if they did, they would not get it. As I tried to indicate, our political leanings are largely unchosen.

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Everything that Robert says about Trump is clearly spelled out in Project 2025. If you want to know how much it sounds like the road to fascism, read Mein Kampf. He is not making any of it up.

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How about a point by point essay on the Democrats today. Seems only fair. Nuclear war is a possibility with the so called Democratic government, hell bent on pushing forward with the NATO facade. The corruption is vial in the Democratic government. How many innocent lives is enough. If you take your set of blinders off, you could watch many incredible interviews with people who are not speculating, like Jeffrey Sachs in an interview on the Tucker Carlson network. Over 2 hours of fact after fact. And no, I am not a republican. I’m a very concerned human primate.

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And a seriously deluded one, Tina, in my opinion. I said I had no intention of discussing politics with you and meant it. You are down the rabbit hole and nothing anyone says can help you see that. I won't even try.

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See Bill's comment, Tina. You have bought into the cult.

Bill Glasner

39 mins ago

Everything that Robert says about Trump is clearly spelled out in Project 2025. If you want to know how much it sounds like the road to fascism, read Mein Kampf. He is not making any of it up.

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Ahhh Tina, Tina, Tina…..

It’s extremely telling that you are advocating anybody should get the facts from the Tucker Carlson network.

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