Having stunk of zen for a good while, and been obsessed with religions and finding 'answers' for even longer....the feeling of freedom that accompanies allowing all that shit to drop (at least sometimes) is quite overwhelming, but we slip into our established patterns SO easily and subtly....gracias.
Those links all lead to ways to extract money from you. That's why they pay to have their stuff attached to my work, which I present free and with no intention of dipping into your wallet.
Growing up in the Hindu tradition and a fan of Adi Shankracharya got a kick in the guts with this piece. However as a therapist too, totally resonated with the splitting and the real work is not fixing but integrating to the whole. So the kick in the guts is more a wake up call to continue inquiry ...
Having stunk of zen for a good while, and been obsessed with religions and finding 'answers' for even longer....the feeling of freedom that accompanies allowing all that shit to drop (at least sometimes) is quite overwhelming, but we slip into our established patterns SO easily and subtly....gracias.
I am confoozled ;-) When I opened this on my phone this morning - underneath there were all kinds of 'spiritual' things - Eckhart Tolle, and more.?
Welcome to the internet where "influencers" like Tolle pay to have their bullshit attached to useful content. Check your wallet.
my wallet??
Those links all lead to ways to extract money from you. That's why they pay to have their stuff attached to my work, which I present free and with no intention of dipping into your wallet.
Growing up in the Hindu tradition and a fan of Adi Shankracharya got a kick in the guts with this piece. However as a therapist too, totally resonated with the splitting and the real work is not fixing but integrating to the whole. So the kick in the guts is more a wake up call to continue inquiry ...