Hi Robert, I just started watching The Gathering and I'm very thankful. I'll be 76 in a few months and I still struggle to trust myself. In my mind I know, of course, that there is no Santa Claus, yet I find myself still hoping for all the wonderful gifts and thinking that I'm not one of the lucky ones.Your books are a precious consolation.

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I can’t wait until I have time this evening to watch this discussion. Thank you Robert 🫶

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Always like your take on things Robert. Pre conceptual Awareness is the only personal “truth” I “know”. That gives me no answers except that I am Here Now. Thanks for being there.

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P.S. In part 2 of "The gathering" you talked about spiritual teachers as being motivated by making money and therefore never telling followers they had nothing to teach. When I went to see Ramesh Balsekar in Mumbai for the second time he said to me: "Why did you come here again? I have nothing to say. Just let your life flow". Nobody was asked to pay to see him, no admission fee, no signing up for anything, you just showed up at his home any morning between 9.30 and 12.30, 365 days a year, and just sat down in his small living room and asked your question if you had one, or listened to Ramesh answering anyone else's questions. Simple.Free.

That's why one day I felt so much gratitude. And I thank you too, Robert, for sharing your ideas and work freely.That' rare and that's why I call it precious.

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I don't know much about, Ramesh, Marina. That advice he gave sounds like something I might say. Let's give him a thumbs up. lol

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Jun 24Liked by Robert Saltzman

Of course his “disciple” Wayne Liquorman charges an outrageous amount of money for attending talks and retreats.Advaita and Nonduality have become huge businesses, just like you often say.Money makes spirituality go round!

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Fantastic. Loved this meeting. Always so clarifying for me. 😍

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Or to be more precise thanks for being Here Now too. lol.

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Good morning! I'm watching "The Gathering" Day 1.....starting my day that way. Love all of it; wish I'd been there. So glad you have donkeys - I think you do? Can you share any photos of them?

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Hi. The Gathering was fun. We have three donkeys. My Facebook page has photos of them all.

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thank you! I will look. My friend is reading the 10,000 things....we found you through Joan T.

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